The first blog or article or whatever you want to call it on my blog site.
Hello my name is Jassim, also known as The Golden Pro on the internet but they started calling me Goldy so I just shortened it down to that lmao.
Anyways, Welcome to Goldy.exe my own custom blog website I've been building for a couple of weeks. I built it with FastAPI, Jinja2, TailwindCSS and MongoDB. It's running on a 🐬Docker 🐧Linux container under my microservices Nginx stack, but alright enough nerd talk now.
I've wanted to have my very own blog site for months now, friends can verify that. Talking about friends, I swear like 4 of those mfs have started a blog website after I mentioned the development of mine, smh. Okay but why did I start a blog site?
Welp this is a good time to showcase my amazing markdown headings...
Did you like that heading? Nvm you probably hated it... anyways... Goldy.exe is like my own little corner of the internet where I can share my thoughts, experiences, and passions with you all in a more structured manner. I find myself ranting about technology on Discord and helping tons of developers there, now it would be nice to bring all of that over to a central site where it can be nicely structured and where the 🌍 world can see it.
One of the most gratifying aspects of the tech world is the opportunity to learn and share knowledge with others. I want to use goldy.exe as my platform to help me reach more developers; whether you're a developer with years of experience or just taking your first steps into the world of programming, I want to empower you with valuable insights and polished step-by-step tutorials.
and that's pretty much it...
Honestly I just love developing useful and useless sh#t, I could have used a blog framework like millions of over people but instead I decide to be weird and make my own front end and API entirely in Python.
Welp that's it for now cya 👋.